Quest for the Holy Rails

October 15, 2007

The Games People Play (Part 2)

Filed under: Uncategorized — Jake Brownson @ 3:42 am

This was a partial post I was working on before I stopped the project, I might as well post it.

In the last post we wrote our Game model. In this post we will modify the games controller and views so players can create games. (more…)

In case you didn’t guess…

Filed under: Uncategorized — Jake Brownson @ 3:41 am

So I’m working at Intentional Software now. I guess the previous post I made got their attention. I’m not planning any more work on this project, but I used Pente to learn C# for the new job. My work on that is more complete and is at — oh and it’s actually in C++ now.

May 18, 2007

Intentional Programming

Filed under: Off Topic — Jake Brownson @ 6:28 am

I apologize for the long delay in posts, my parents were in town last week, and this week I’m catching up on homework. In the meantime I discovered an interesting programming paradigm that I’d been thinking about for awhile now, but didn’t know it had a name. It’s called intentional programming. (more…)

May 10, 2007

The Games People Play (Part 1)

Filed under: pente, rails — Jake Brownson @ 6:31 pm

In the last post we implemented a welcome controller that lets us sign up, in and out. Now we’re going to add a RESTful games resource to the project so users can manage games. (more…)

May 7, 2007

The Welcome Controller

Filed under: pente, rails — Jake Brownson @ 1:27 am

In the last post we created the Rails project and added authentication. In this post we will add a welcome controller. (more…)

May 4, 2007

Our Journey Begins: Players

Filed under: pente, rails — Jake Brownson @ 8:24 pm

I’ve introduced the concept of test driven development and REST and I’m finally ready to start writing some code on my Pente project. In this post I will setup the project, and generate and customize the player resource. (more…)

May 2, 2007

RESTing on Rails isn’t as Dangerous as it Sounds

Filed under: design decisions, rails — Jake Brownson @ 7:38 pm

I have decided to try and use REST design for my Pente project, and the purpose of this post is to ground readers on how I came to that decision. (more…)

Would you Jump Before you Checked your Parachute?

Filed under: design decisions, rails — Jake Brownson @ 7:59 am

Software engineering has one big difference from all other engineering disciplines. If a civil engineer built a bridge without going through computer simulations, scale models, and rigorous review he would be jailed. If an aerospace engineer thought he found a new wing design and threw it on a passenger jet to see if it would work he and his grandchildren would be barred from engineering forever. Nobody thinks twice when a software engineer whips up a new function and runs it to see if it works. In this post I’ll introduce the concept of test driven development and explain why I will be using it for my Pente project. (more…)

All Aboard! Getting Started with Rails

Filed under: getting started, rails — Jake Brownson @ 6:07 am

I’m not going to try and recreate the wonderful getting started with Rails documents that exist all over the web. Instead I’m going to point you to the resources I found the most helpful when I started looking at Rails. (more…)

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